主旨: Re: 21 MAR 2005 報名招集處   新聞組: soccer.kickandshoot
 寄件者: "Bong.so"    日期: 17 Mar 2005 22:12:17 +0800

Dear all,

I played there before, it is really a small pitch. Last time I only played
5 people for a single team....

Anyway, play 6 in one team should be ok, but should not be more la.



"AC81" <albnsan@hotmail.com> wrote:
>It shows on map that 佐治伍世公園 is a small court.
>So proposed match by  ( 6 + 1 ) x 2
>Please noted
>"AC81" <albnsan@hotmail.com> 在郵件 news:42350637@news.nntp.hk 中撰寫...
>> Date            : 21Mar2005    (MONDAY)
>> Time            : 19:00 -21:00
>> Place            : 佐治伍世公園
>> AC81
>> ----
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