主旨: Re: Connection Problem   新聞組: -=enquiry
 寄件者: "HK4U"    日期: 15 May 2004 04:12:39 +0800
原因是 nwt 太垃圾啦.
由於本srv 是free的 暫時沒有支金去作出改善.
如果有人願意可付款去 hsbc 026-8-043056 作為支持本srv.


"傲飛" <zbeba-nqzva@jbaqrefcnpr.arg> wrote in message 
During this week, my connection to news.hk4u.com has been being quite 
unstable and
having 90% package loss. I have phoned my isp provider to run stress test on 
account and proved to be in perfect condition. I have dynamic ip and I 
believe it's
not any kind of banning action. I'm asking our dear admins to take a look 
into this
issue, maybe it's not that important being special singlar case.

ISP provider: CTM (Macau)
News agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Dynamic IP
for the rest, you can get it from the source of my post.

Looking for any kind of help
thank you for your precious time

I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.
-Groucho Marx